awards and exhihibitions western federation of watercolor societies 38th annual exhibit, dallas, tx, 2013 award of excellence uws signature show, michael berry gallery, salt lake city, ut 2013 best abstract award uws fall show, patrick moore gallery, salt lake city, ut 2012 #1 merit award 38th annual statewide competition, eccles art center, ogden, ut 2012 2nd place uws fall show, michael berry gallery, salt lake city, ut 2011 best of show art in the afternoon, cottonwood club, salt lake city, ut. 2011 87th annual spring salon, springville museum of art. 2011 utah watercolor society spring show, salt lake city, ut. 2011 award of merit western federation of watercolor societies exhibition, albuquerque, nm. 2011 uws 2 star/signature show, eccles community art center, ogden, ut. 2011 best of show salt lake county center for the arts show, salt lake city, 2010. first place award utah watercolor society mini show, salt lake city, ut. 2009. best of show western federation of watercolor societies, san diego, ca. 2009 utah watercolor society fall show, salt lake city, ut. 2008 award of merit utah watercolor society spring show, salt lake city, ut. 2008 winsor newton award 34th annual statewide competition, eccles art center, ogden, ut. 2008 honorable mention slcc annual president's art show, salt lake city, ut 2008 11th black & white statewide competition, eccles art center, ogden, ut. 2008 utah watercolor society mini show, salt lake city, ut. 2008 award of excellence bountiful/davis art center statewide competition, bountiful, ut. 2008 utah watercolor society fall show, salt lake city, ut. 2007 past president's award western federation of watercolor societies exhibition, arvada center, denver, co. 2007 utah watercolor society spring show, salt lake city, ut. 2007 award of excellence 64th annual national art exhibit, cedar city, ut. 2007 utah watercolor society fall show, salt lake city, ut. 2006 award of merit utah county spring art show, provo, ut. 2004 director's award freedom festival fine art exhibit, provo, ut. 2003 honorable mention award home gallery about the artist current /upcoming shows contact information