current/upcoming/past shows 2008 - 2012 patrick moore gallery, mixed-media/collage, 'visual meandering', sept 21-oct 12, 2012, salt lake city, ut. eccles community art center - 38th annual statewide competition, aug, 2012, aug ogden, ut. art access - 10th annual 300 plates fundraiser and exhibition, may 17, 2012, salt lake city, ut. (Show previews May 14 - 17), display and sale through May. eccles community art center - invitational exhibit "faces", may 1 - may 26, 2012, ogden, ut. michael berry gallery - winter group show - november 18 - january 14, 2012, salt lake city, ut. patrick moore gallery - art display ongoing. salt lake city, ut. eccles community art center - artist invitational exhibition - november 4 - december 24, 2011. ogden, utah. (carriage house gallery) utah watercolor society fall show - october 7 - november 11, 2011, salt lake city, ut. paisley pomegranate boutique shops - on-going. holladay & park city, ut. patrick moore gallery - point of view show - july 15 - august 13, 2011. salt lake city, ut. eccles community art center - 37th annual statewide competition exhibit - july 1 - august 27, 2011. ogden, ut. art in the afternoon, cottonwood club - may 22, 2011. salt lake city, ut. utah watercolor society spring show - may 13 - june 14, 2011. salt lake city, ut. 87th annual spring salon, springville museum of art - april 15 - july 3, 2011. springville, ut. western federation of watercolor societies exhibition - may 5 - june 5, 2011. albuquerque, nm. patrick moore gallery spring group show - march 18 - may 13, 2011. salt lake city, ut. eccles community art center - 36th Annual Statewide Competition - july 2 - aug 28, 2010. ogden, ut. eccles community art center - 2 person show - january 4 - january 30, 2010. ogden, ut. western federation of watercolor societies, 34th annual show - may 1 - may 31, 2009.san diego, ca. gallery at the station, 3 person show - march 6 - march 31, 2009. union station, ogden, ut. utah watercolor society miniture show - feb 20 - march 17, 2009. local colors gallery, salt lake city, ut. 2nd street gallery, 2 person show - nov 17 - dec 31, 2008. 2nd street gallery, salt lake city, ut. utah '08 statewide annual painting and sculpture competition, Rio Gallery. oct 17 - nov 29, 2008. salt lake city, ut. one woman show, "her face in he crowd" - oct 17 - nov 15, 2008. michael berry gallery, salt lake city, ut. utah watercolor society fall, group show. sept 19 - nov 7, 2008. finch gallery, salt lake city, ut. utah watercolor society 2 star/signature show - group show. sept 13 - oct 16, 2008. springville museum of art, springville, ut.
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